No shed hypoallergenic. Puppy cut to reduce grooming or brush daily to avoid mats and tangles. Available nowSee More In Teddy Bear Puppies
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Weekly brush to reduce seasonal shed by 90%. No groomer expenses. Available nowSee More In Poogle Puppies
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No haircut expenses. Brush weekly to reduce seasonal shed by 90%. Available nowSee More In French Bulldog Puppies
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Perfect personalities. Available nowSee More In Poogle Puppies
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Smart, sweet, fun. Skip some puppy shot visits. Available now.See More In Yorkie Poo Puppies
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No haircuts. Furminator weekly to reduce seasonal shed by 90%. Ready nowSee More In Boston Terrier Puppies
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Healthier genetics than a Pug. Sweet, smarter, and fun. Available nowSee More In Puggle Puppies
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Short hair to avoid tear stains, daily brushing, and haircuts. Available nowSee More In Poogle Puppies
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A healthier than purebred choice. Deposit now! Available 2-28-25See More In Boston Terrier Puppies
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A healthier than purebred choice. Deposit now! Available 2-28-25See More In Boston Terrier Puppies
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A healthier than purebred choice. Deposit now! Available 2-28-25See More In Boston Terrier Puppies
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A healthier than purebred choice. Deposit now! Available 2-28-25See More In Boston Terrier Puppies
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A healthier than purebred choice. Deposit now! Available 2-28-25See More In Boston Terrier Puppies
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If you have bought a puppy from us in the past and would like to be included on this list as a contactable reference and tell others about your puppy buying experience here, please email your information! You may also post recommendations to our FACEBOOK page, plus you can freely interact with hundreds of families who have bought puppies from us!
WARNING! Improper communications to these list members from hecklers, etc, which attack, slander, or seem abusive in any way will not be tolerated. List members please forward such emails to iThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. so I can forward them to the abuse address of the senders internet service provider or other appropriate parties. Such emails can be a terms of service violation and may result in suspension or termination of senders internet service account or have even greater consequences. Reviews to google, the facebook page, or any other forum online that are based upon political agenda or bias misinformation and ignorance will also be subject to self defense mode!
Dr. Nash Williams, DVM, Twin Oaks Veterinary Hospital, 2970 US Hwy 21 N, Sparta, NC 28675. Dr. Nash is our first choice for veterinary care the way it used to be. Now 76 years old, he is a wonderful human being and one of the very best common sense veterinary doctors. If you have a veterinary emergency, they still do nights and weekends at a fair price. Phone: 336 372 8744. When asked about being a reference for Healthy Pups, Dr. Nash said he would be honored. You have by far in every way the nicest facility and well cared for animals that I have ever visited in my career, he said!....everyone knows you shouldn't breed house pets, and small hypoallergenic dogs are almost never available at shelters. Without breeders like you folks, people would have no pets and we vets would have no jobs!
Dr. John Stinson, DVM, Animal Hospital of Wilkes, 1609 Curtis Bridge Road, Wilkesboro, NC 28697. Our veterinary practice has examined pets from this pet nursery and also periodically visited the kennel facility to perform veterinary services since 1982. He has been a good friend and a supervising veterinary doctor. Send written correspondence that includes name, physical address, work and home phone.
C.S.Jackson, DVM, Thanks for voluntarily serving as a contact on this page from 1985 til 2016. Thank you for all the times that I came running to your office and needed help to identify something in a fecal smear! Thank you also for all of your years of service to Wilkes County Health Department and the Board Of Directors. Thank you also for volunteering and serving as an officer to The Humane Society Of Wilkes! You are a wonderful person, good neighbor, wonderful public servant, and one of the very best veterinary doctors! We will miss you!
Sandy Blevins, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Karen Becker, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Andrea Jennings, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Jake Patrick, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
A Few Emails From Our Buyers!
I am the girl who picked up a jackrat back around new years- we're in New York City. I just want to let you know that he is the greatest thing I could have ever added to my life. New York is a very dog friendly city. I take him to the dog run every day, and dogs can run free off the leash in the park before 9am. It took me a month to house train him, and he hasn't had an accident yet! Sometimes he goes to school with me when I teach classes and the students love him. He also frequents the New York bar scene- there are quite a few dog friendly bars around here. I named him Torque(it means "the moment of force"). How's that for anything related to a jack russell terrier?! I'm sending you a photo that I took with my cell phone. Thanks so much for being a terrific breeder. This dog is exactly what I was looking for- and so much more. Good luck with your business. I may be back for another jackrat puppy in a couple of years. All the best to you and your canine ranch. – Sincerely, Marissa Byers Jackadoodle update! Your little girl is doing great.. What a Character she is and SO much personality, we love her!!! By the way we named her Zany.. cause she is wild and Zany and a little clown.. She is doing great on house training..getting along with my big dogs,my 140lb Rott is afraid of her when she goes in zoom mode..HAHAHAHA She is trying to chase the cats so we are working on that..Just wanted to give you a progress report and say THANKS!!! – Sue Martin Today is Daisy's birthday! She is one year old and is a joy to us. She is 14 pounds of sheer energy and really keeps us on our toes. She is incredibly smart and quick! Thank you for providing such a wonderful puppy to us! – Mike and Louise Hanville I just wanted to thank you so much for being so straight forward and honest with me when I was looking to purchase a puppy. You advised me that in my situation a rat terrier would be my best option and it definitly was. You sold me a little, I think it was Tri-Pearl you called it, rat terrier about a month and a half ago and he has just been amazing! I named him Sammy, and he and I are getting along amazingly! You were honest and helpful and sold me and older puppy, he was about six months old when I bought him. You understood that I did not have 4 or 5 hundred dollars to really be purchasing a dog with, and you didn't try to convince me that a younger more expensive dog would be a better choice. I could tell that you truly cared about your customers and the dogs that you were selling, wanting to make sure that it was a proper situation for the animal so that both the dog and the owner would be happy. I have attached a few pictures of Sammy now. Again, thank you so much for your help and honesty! – Stephanie RhoneyWe bought a 5 month old male rat terrier from you back in late Feb. of this year. He is the most wonderful house dog! He is SO intelligent and a great companion. After trying several names, he started answering to the name 'Buddy', so that's what is on his tag. He still isn't crazy about getting his bath, but does tolerate it with a gentle demeanor. He even lets me paint his toe nails; of course, since he's a 'guy', I bought him blue nail polish with sparkles in it, so he doesn't have to wear pink all the time. When he goes to the groomer, he gets a new bandana, which he will wear til he's ready to go to bed. At which time, he goes prancing down the hall to our bed and hops right up in the middle, where he sleeps all night! Thank you and God bless you and your family, – The Ebert Family
I bought a yorkie-rat terrier mix from you about a year and a half ago. She is the sweetest,smartest dog I have ever seen.(and cutest ...but I guess that is because I love her so much) She really does have the sweetest personality and she is so much fun. She makes me smile every time I look at her and she is the best company.She loves me but she is also very loving towards just about everyone. I like that,because if something were to happen to me I know she could love someone else as her owner. And believer me, I have had numerous offers from people wanting to be her godparent. Thank you so much. And if I decide to get another puppy,I will definitely be contacting you,rather than someone else. – Barbara FowlerYou were right!!!!! This is is Brenda Roberson, I came to your place to see a dog. I know you remember me! Well, not long after I left your place, I found just the dog I was looking for and I have paid for it dearly. The dog has sarcoptic mange. Believe it or not two Vets at the same clinic did not treat the dog for this. But I was transferred to a different city and there is no doubt about it. I called the breeder to inform her and she told me that there was no way!! The breeder became very angry and upset with me. My "dream" dog is nearly a year old and still not house broken and today the vet informed me she would require additional treatments. Today, I decided for the good of my bank account that enough is enough!! I like dogs and want a dog as a pet. But I should have listened to you!! Please feel free to post my email!! I will come to see you in the spring. I would like a runt of the little male rat terrier. MMMmmm, which is smaller the toy or the mini? I can handle 8 to 10 pounds but nothing bigger. This dog will travel with me and live in motel rooms. I am planning a trip to Alaska and the pup is going!! – Best Regards, BrendaWe just wanted to send our thanks to your company for our new family member. We purchased a nine month old Rat Terrier from you, who we have named "Mr.T" because he is a mini replica of a great dane we used to have named Taggy. We were a little worried at first because he pouted very bad for several days and didn't want to eat and was so scared he just hid out, but the wonderful part is that he has taken to our Two year old son Richie wonderfully and they are the best of buds. He follows my son everywhere, sleeps right next to him at night, and even whines if he can't find him like a mommy who's lost her puppy, it's too cute. He has been wonderful with allowing my son to give him hugs and kisses, and has never bit him or tried to hurt him in any way. We were so pleased with our purchase and just wanted to send our thanks for making the buying process such a breeze and for making our son the happiest kid around. I couldn't be happier with how well he has adapted to our family and especially to my son, who we bought him for originally. We will be recommending you to everyone we know. I've enclosed a photo of "Mr.T" and Richie watching TV together on the couch. Thanks again. – The Silvas FamilyHello. My name is Amy. I bought a toy rat terrier from you about 2 years ago. She was the best pup ever! I named her Olivia Jane...she was very spoiled. Unforunately I recently lost her. She was hit by a car and I had to put her down. I feel as if I have lost my best friend. I remember coming to your kennel to pick out my new pup, and she just kept speaking to me. I had to have her...she was meant for me! She is the second dog I have purchased from you. (I also have a hairless...although he's a daddy's boy!) I just wanted to write you and say that I recomend you to everyone I meet. Your facilities are great and the pups I've bought from you are the best I could ever ask for! I will miss my little dog very much. She was truly the best ever. Thank you for her. – AMY
I want to say “thank you” for all of your advice when visiting your facility in November 2005. I purchased the last Beaga-Poo in your litter, a male, and brought him back to my home in Greensboro. I cannot be happier. “Winston” is the most healthy, loving and affectionate dog I have ever met. I live downtown Greensboro and he draws more attention than I would have ever imagined. I can hardly walk more than a block without someone wanting to “meet” the little guy. I have a neighbor who has fallen in love with Winston. She asked for you number and I directed her to the website with strict instructions to read, read and read. Do you have a litter available now and/or do you plan to breed another litter of Beaga-Poos any time soon? I am constantly being asked by folks and was curious. Thanks again for your time and for the wonderful pet. – Regards, J. WilliamsHi. I don't know if you remember me, but a little over a year ago my daughter and I visited you and bought a little chocolate hairless terrier female. My Mom had just passed away, and the puppy, Sadie, was a great comfort to me. My husband's job recently got us relocated to Florida. We are a little bit out in the country with wood in our backyard. Last week, my daughters and I were on the patio in the backyard. Sadie kept barking and barking at something near a bush. I assumed it was our cat, but when she did not stop barking and running and lunging at this thing, I went to look. It was a 3 or four foot long Cottonmouth snake, all coiled up at the base of the bush. My husband and I killed the snake. Thank God for Sadie! If she had not alerted us, the snake could have bitten me or worse, one of the children. We are at least 20 minutes from the nearest hospital, so that bite could have tragic consequences. I am so grateful she did not get bitten either. She is the best dog, definitely the smartest I have ever had, and so sweet. I have allergies, but I can cuddle with her and let her get in my bed with no problems. I am a devoted hairless terrier fan now. – Rachael
Thank you so much for our puggle...he has been a great addition to the family. My son and boyfriend love him so much. His name is now Mister Henry Puggles...named by my 4 year old son, Brayden. You have to call him Mister Puggles or Brayden will correct's been great fun. Mister Puggles gets along with our Blue Heeler, Hannah and our cat Simon. This dog is wonderful...I cannot thank you enough!Hey I don't know if you remember me, I was a customer for you when I was 16, I bought an adorable chihuahua that I named after Paris Hilton, I just wanted to give ya updates, she's 2 years old now, she's doing great, running around full of energy, loves riding in the car, she's attached @ my side, she's the best and I'm really interested in getting another puppy from you, once I get the money saved up. You can use my e-mail on your webpage if you'd like as an very happy owner of a hybrid chihuahua. I attached some pix of her, she's the cutest!! Well hope to see you sometime soon to buy another baby. Thanks. – Marcus CookMy family and I came to your home in May and bought a yorkie/rat terrier puppy. I just wanted to say Thank You, for having this dog there for us to buy. She is a wonderful blessing to our family. She has slept with my daughter every night and has been one of the best pets we have ever had!! She is very healthly and we are planning on spaying her around Christmas. She is such a wonderful little dog for the kids and adults. This little girl has even been to church!! I just thought I'd let you know how she's doing. – Thanks again, Marty, Angela, Megan, Jacob, and Pepper FulkMy girlfriend, Jen, and I bought a yorkie-rat puppy from you at the end of last december. (we came with Jen's mom, Deborah, who got a litter mate.) We just wanted to give you an update on how he's doing, since it's almost his "birthday." :) We named him Arthur, and he's is quite a handful! He gets a walk or run every day, so he's solid muscle. He enjoys doing tricks, and was the top of his puppy training class at PetSmart. He's highly intelligent (you were right about that!) and can do lots of tricks. He wears a backpack when we go hiking and carries his own food and water bowl. Here are a few pictures. One is Arthur with his litter mate, whose name is Amos. Feel free to put them on your site if you want. Thanks so much for breeding such a great dog! He's our pride and joy! We recommend you to everyone! PS. I also got very bored one day and made him a website: Take care! – Erin EllenburgDon't know if you will get this or remember us, but we bought a yorkie/rat, broken coat from you in December. He is the greatest, sweetest, most wonderful dog I have ever met in my life! He is the smartest guy ever. We live in Erwin, TN and you gave us some of your CD's to pass around. Hey, you really have a great voice! We gave away the CD's you gave us and people are enjoying you! Now back to Reggie! I have never had such a loving animal. He gets along great with the 2 cats we have. The tomcat tries to play with him but Reggie is very rambunctious and energetic and sometimes Red, even though he is bigger than Reggie, gets a little scared! They are just funny together. Just wanted to say THANKS!!!! I have referred other people to your website and hopefully in the future, you will have more people from Tennessee come and buy precious babies. God bless you always and thanks for having special animals that are healthy, happy, intelligent and so very loving! Cathy & John. – Cathy Morris I don't know if you remember me or not me and my entire family came to get a pup in December. A little black and tan dauchund mix. He has been the best dog, we named him Alex. He's very smart I had him house broke in a week!! He has been great with my children. I am so glad I came to your kennel, even though we drove all the way from Ashe County,NC. I was really impressed with the love and care you gave to the dogs, and the information you gave their new families. I have referred others to you. Thanks so much!!! – Rachel, Aaron, Hunter, Avery & Jacob GriffinHii there: You have the best informative website on this subject I have ever encountered and should be a must-read! I have looked and searched for a Yorkie-breed, only now to have completely changed my mind, thanks to your information, which I knew nothing about. While I don't particularly love the rat-terriers as you, you have some breeds that are just as "adorable" as what I have been looking for. Thanks so much for taking the time to be irritated with us to be so frank and forthright. I laughed a lot, I can't even begin to imagine your experiences...should be good book material...Wilkesboro is a favorite area of ours, and I hope to contact you soon to visit for an "older" beaga-poo (i think that's right), or a yorkie-rat, as you so explained -- for cost reasons (sorry - yikes). I want to thank you so much for the puppy we bought for my daughter. It was the black/tan toy rat. She is up to three pounds, and doing great. She even plays with our pygmy goat! Of course she is VERY spoiled, has to sleep on our bed, etc. She has been a great pet, that loves the whole family. She was very easy to house-train. My daughter is thrilled. We couldn`t have gotten her a better pet. I know you and I had our concerns about getting her at 8 weeks old, but she has done very well. As far as l;eaving her alone most of the time, well by the time we got her home, if we left her alone, all she did was cry. She is a very "people-dog" I will send pictures, as soon as I get them developed. Again, THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!! – Lynn and Leah BranchHey.I just wanted to tell you how much we love our new little bella. I just bought her from you 3-7-08 shes the little chocolate rat terrier. Shes the best dog I have ever had. She plays with my pitbull cocoa and she loves our little girl Carmen. She hasn’t had any accidents in the house or her Midwest crate. Shes simply the best and nothing less. Thanks! – ChristiniaDear Healthy Pups, We just wanted to send you a few pictures of our dog Clark Howard Niedergall that we bought from you last February. We appreciate so much the advice you give on your website and we have found Clark to be a perfect fit for our family. Hope you like the pictures! – Sincerely, Brent and Christy NiedergallDear Healthy Pups, Last September, my boyfriend, Matt and I came to your farm and purchased a little Black and White Rat Terrier. I have meant to write you for months, but hadn’t sat down and done it! We just wanted to tell you (as many on your site have, I see) that we have been just thrilled with our little puppy. We named her Elle. She is certainly the smartest, most easily trained puppy either of us have ever had (and we’ve had many dogs growing up). She was housebroken within a few weeks, even when she was just so little! She was afraid of many things when we brought her home. Like stairs and plastic bags (which she STILL doesn’t like) and wind and cats she saw in the neighborhood. We called her the ‘fraidy cat’ for the first couple of months. She has seemed to conquer all of her fears though, and has grown up into one tough little dog! She LOVES to play with her stuffed squirrel and would chase it around until she passed out if we let her! She seems though, just as content at times to just lay in my lap. We just wanted to thank you for all of your knowledge and advice. I’m so glad we discovered her breed. Should we ever get an additional puppy, you can be sure we’ll be visiting you again!I’m attaching some photos of our little joy. (Incidentally, we didn’t notice until we got home, but she has a black marking on her side that’s in the perfect shape of a heart!) She’s wonderful! Best of luck to you and God bless you for putting your heart into something that brings happiness to so many. – Sincerely, Kristen, Matt and Elle Charlotte, NC Irvin, My name is Liz, my boyfriend Jeff and I (from Mooresville) recently bought a puggle pup from you. I just wanted to write and thank you. We named the pup Jersey and she is doing great. She adapted very well to crate training. She loves to cuddle and sit on our laps and is doing great with potty training. The qualities that she possesses show what kind of care she received before we got her. She has brought so much joy to our lives and we can't thank you enough for that. Every time we go to the pet store with her people always come up to us and say how beautiful she is. We have given your website out to a few people so far and would recommend you to anyone.Thank you again! – Liz and JeffHi! You can put me on this list since I do send everyone I know your way and we just love the two babies we have bought fom you! We bought the Chihuahua Hybrid and the Yorkie/Yorkie Rat from you! Both are wonderful and we want to come back soon for either another chihuahua hybrid or a small rat terrier! My name is – Tabitha WhiteMy wife and I purchased scooter from you almost five years ago. I can not begin to tell you how much we love him. He is more of a person than he is a dog. He is great and very smart. He is the best investment we have ever made. I only wish that I had purchased two of him. Below is a recent photo of him. Thanks for breeding such great dogs. – Jim & Judy Kendrick Eden, NC (Rat Terrier owners)We bought a rat terrier puppy from you last August. We would be happy to serve as a reference for you. After reading every page of your website, we came to your kennel thinking we wanted another Chihuahua. We left with a darling rat terrier. We never looked back and have not had one ounce of regret about our decision. This puppy, which out daughter named, (Princess) Aurora is the most friendly and happy dog. I am continually finding myself laughing out loud at her antics. She will cuddle up with anyone; play with anyone or any dog (or cat) and is, as you said, the absolutely best family pet that we have ever had. Aurora is the first dog that actually plays with any toy that you give her. We can’t walk by a dog toy aisle anymore without picking something up for her because of her sheer joy! Please leave the email address below as a reference contact for you if needed! Thank you for providing our healthy pup at a fair price! – Jay and Beth Rickerts, Summerfield NC We got a tri-blue rat terrier from you in January. Talulah is the sweetest dog and loves all people and animals. We just wanted to say thank you for helping us adopt her. – Scott and Amy Hi, Irvin! Hope you had a blessed Christmas....just wanted you to know that we are thoroughly enjoying our yorkie-beaglepoo that we bought from you in October. The pup, Angel, has adjusted very well and brings us smiles and laughs every day. I believe she thinks she is part human. Thank you for a wonderful experience. – Todd & Lisa Cox
Hey, we bought a black and tan rat terrier from you a few years ago. She has been the best dog ever. She was easily house trained and she is one of the sweetest dogs. I would reccomend you guys to anyone who wants a good pet:) We're now looking to buy another dog, and will be looking on your website and probably contacting you soon:) thanks so much for the wonderful pet. -Katelyn Sebastian
I hope you remember me. I purchased a "teenager" puggle from you the day before Valentine's day 2009. I was looking for a small female to help replace our 11 year Labrador that had died of cancer last year. She left behind a very lonely 5 year old Labrador sister, and a heartbroken wife. I showed you pictures of our lonely Lab and you recommended a puggle. I picked an 8 month old female that had markings that looked like my old German Sheppard. Within one hour of bringing her home she and her new big sister hit it off. She runs to the fence and starts to bark at the dogs in the next yard. When they start barking back she immediately runs back to big sister and hides underneath her. At other times big sister run over to protect her. She is working on mom, and is almost there. Mom was with our older Lab when she was put down, and she still hurts from it, but she is already having heart to heart talks with our puggle. As far as health, our vet checked her the day after I brought her home, gave her a rabies shot and declared her "healthy as a horse". For your information she will be spayed in two weeks, but the neat part is our vet will perform this with laser surgery. He told us this type of surgery is less invasive, doesn't require stitches, the dog has less pain and a shorter recovery period. I highly recommend this to anyone having their dog spayed or neutered. I have enclosed a picture of the two girls together, and one of her. Please use me as reference, just let me know and I can provide the information to folks who want to contact me. You can tell she likes sticks. -Gilbert Kozlowski
Good Afternoon, Our family purchased a blue merle Rattle Puppy on Father's Day this year. I just want to let everyone know who visits your website that this puppy
is one of the best we have ever owned. The male puppy "Draper" is the calmest and gentlest puppy I have ever seen. He does not chew on anything except his
puppy toys. He is also very mellow and loves riding in the car. Everyone that sees him insists on petting him and knowing what kind of dog he is. I recommend
everyone that is looking for a puppy to check out your website. Our veterinarian was excited to see how much care that you give your puppies and that you
document each dog as if you only had one dog in your kennel. Thank you again! Lisa Sheely, Shelby, NC As I promised, I'm sending you this email to post on your website for potential dog owners. I decided to get a dog this past May (2009). Now many of my friends
and family thought I was a bit crazy for traveling from Philadelphia to NC on the weekend just for a dog. I knew it was not ridiculous because of the experience
my sister and parents had purchasing puppies from a breeder closer to home just a year ealier. As stated on your website, these puppies all had to go to the vet for health
issues. which added up very quickly. Last year my sister found you on the internet and purchased a cairn terrier, that had no health problems and still doesn't have any health
problems after one year. Her name is Sprockette (named after the Fraggle Rock show) and boy does she have energy and is loving too. When I decided to get my own
dog I knew I'd be making the trek down too because in the long-run I knew I would be getting a dog that wouldn't end up costing me more due to health problems.Sprockette
and Kiko (my YorkieRat) became good friends on the trip home. Kiko has continued to warm her way into the hearts of everyone in my family and everyone that she meets.
You picked out the perfect dog for me, which I am greatful for. She's smart and spunky. She's already learned how to sit and lay down. She romps around with my sisters 3 dogs
and my parents 3 dogs. She also loves to snuggle up and sleep with me. I can't wait to see what she'll do next. Now that I have one dog, I'm considering getting another one
in the near future, so when I do you'll be seeing me again! (You can put my email address on your website, in case any potential customers wantto contact me) Thanks Again,
Danielle Henon Hi Irwin, I am writing to let you know how happy we are with our new Puggle who we named Evan. He is fun, adorable and perfect for our family. He has such a great
personality. I also wanted to let you know, we entered him in the Bailey Road 9TH Annual Dog Show. He came in 2ND Place for the "Cutest Puppy". After the show,
several people came up to us and said they thought he should have won 1ST! We agreed :) I have attached a picture for you. Thanks and I will recommend Healthy Pups
to all our friends. Barbara Parker In love with my new puppy, "Raelin". E me if you want to learn about her. Photos on facebook. Brianne McCoy
My name is Brandy Hutchens and my husband and I visited you in April of 2010. We purchased a red dapple doxie from you. We wanted to write and say how overjoyed we are with him. We named him Luigi and he just celebrated his first birthday in January. He is full of energy, loves us dearly, and just the cutest dog in the neighborhood! Thank you for helping us to expand our family. Please feel free to post this or use us as a reference. Brandy and Aaron Hutchens
We purchased our baby from you almost two years ago. She is the best dog anyone could ever have. She is a poodle/beagle mix and we named her Gracie. She is so loving and very spoiled. We are so happy and wanted to thank you for your advice and information in picking the right puppy for our family. Jennifer Crump
Hello, I'm sending pictures of my teddy bear(Peaches is her name)that I got from Healthy Pups. She celebrates her 1st birthday today. We are very happy together & so glad that I found you all. My best, Mary Pickering
I just wanted to let you know that we are really enjoying our puppy Mr. D that we purchased from HP this week. He has adjusted to his "forever home" rather well. He is definitely Sarah's dog. He will not leave her side and whimpers whenever she is not in the house. Of course, most of our neighborhood thinks he is so cute and that we are very lucky to have such a pup. We think the same thing. I introduced him to our vet this week and she says he is a perfect puppy. Thank you so much for having Mr. D available for us. We wish you and Rita God's Blessings. Bill & Sarah Sent from Bill DeLapp's iPad
An established puppy seller who has no NEGATIVE reviews is a scammer with FAKE reviews!
We have sold puppies to thousands of families over the past 42 years, with only 20 negative reviews. Sadly, those 20 reviews are one of the first things people see when google searching online. If you are the kind of person who won't take time to read our responses to those reviews, we don't want to sell you a puppy. Many puppy buyers become victims of science and create problems for their puppy. Some of them blame us for those problems later. We are about preventing puppy problems through good ownership decisions; not creating problems, choosing a young vet with no common sense, and then blaming the breeder. Again, let our experience help protect your puplife!
Have you ever wondered why so many rescue people stage stories on television, post fabricated negative reviews online, and create false blogs under anonymous screen names in social media (some even pretend to have visited or bought pets) to convince you that HealthyPups, AND all other kennels are a puppy mill? Why do "humane societies" and rescue organizations attack breeders through media and brainwashed disciples, begging for your money to save the "abused and sick animals from inhumane conditions", instead of soliciting legislators to enact tougher spay/neuter laws? Tougher laws could prevent so many of these unwanted large breed mixes from being born. They know that very few of those wanting house pets would adopt a large breed mix even if small breeds were not available from professional breeders. Is it possible that someone wants your money? Who is it that is really guilty of extreme animal exploitation? Only 1% of the money collected by the rescue industry goes to shelters. Attention BIG RECUE, please use the millions per year in donations you are collecting from those sad commercials and kennel raids to spay and neuter America's dogs and cats instead of putting almost of it in your pocket.....PROBLEM SOLVED!
It is sad that 90% of those who will take time to leave reviews are angry misinformed political hecklers. Most happy people won't take the time to review. Public doesn't realize that no one can deal with people and living things without incident because much of science is a scam that disagrees with reality, and living things are fragile and subject to proper care after going home. Those who believe in science are often angry because of the DNA testing scam, which is accurate only if their puppy comes from the same marker group as the DNA test marker itself. Many purebred dogs will not have an agreeable DNA test, and no dog with diverse genetics so as to allow for good health, intelligence, and good personality is likely to get a matching DNA result.
We have repeatedly seen littermate siblings test as having no ancestors in common. When you read reviews of established repeat sellers that do not contain complaints of viruses, DNA mismatch, or parasites, and "genetic" diseases, you know you are being scammed by a seller with fake reviews generated by reputation management software or cleansing companies. All of these issues are often blamed on breeders by inexperienced vets who have vaccinated puppies too small and too young that caused giardia blooms, heart murmurs, or a vaccine-induced virus. Poor choices in foods and commercial doggie treats can result in puppies quickly developing diseases that vets most often diagnose as genetic issues. Again, politically bias rescue hecklers, science junkies, or kids who failed to read our material and follow instructions are likely to leave negative reviews. Don't be the next victim of a corrupt and sad worldview, please call and let us help if you have questions about your puppy! (336) 957-3609