Mini F1B Goldendoodle F 5657


Status: Available 3-12-25. Deposit now has Micro, Toy, Miniature, and Standard Goldendoodle puppies for sale! Delivery is available! Goldendoodle Breed Overview

Goldendoodles are a cross between a Miniature Poodle and a Golden Retriever or Goldendoodle. They are sometimes also called Goldenoodle or Goldenpoo. The end result is an oversized teddy bear that is friendly, tolerant, affectionate, smart, cuddly, silly, energetic, and fun. They are great with children and other animals, and most would be considered medically hypoallergenic pets.  Because of these attributes, Goldendoodles are very popular. We at Healthy Pups have Micro, Toy, Miniature, and sometimes Standard size Goldendoodles. Adult Micro Goldendoodles can weigh even less than 10 lbs.  Toy Goldendoodles are from 10 to 20 lbs. Miniature Goldendoodles weigh from 20 to 40 lbs. Standard Goldendoodles can be as large as a full size Golden Retriever. Goldendoodles can live 15 years or more if cared for properly and if we can help you choose a healthier diet and pet products. 

Mini Goldendoodle F1B Female Microchip no 900263001575657, born 1-8-25. This puppy weighs 2 lbs, 0 oz on 1-27-25. Mom is a Mini Goldendoodle-28 lbs. Dad is a Mini Goldendoodle- 24 lbs.

Call to plan a visit or Facetime session with this puppy: (336) 957-3609

START HERE: Continue to Payment or Deposit link below. If you have questions and are not yet buying this puppy, please use the Contact Us Without Making A Payment link at the bottom of this page.

About HealthyPups:

  • Know where your puppy came from! We raise the puppies we sell. Because we aren't a broker who must share your money with an unknown breeder, our prices are lower.
  • READ to learn what makes Healthy Pups different and better at Why Healthy Pups!
  • Healthy Pups has been the most trusted and experienced name in USDA standard puppies for sale since 1982!
  • See our Upcoming Litters list!
  • Our normal business hours are 10 am-4 pm, six days per week, by appointment. Closed days are posted on our Plan a Visit & Directions Page.

  • We are open most Saturdays and Sundays.

  • Yes, we can refer you to reliable and affordable nationwide delivery!

How May I Purchase Without Making an Online Deposit?

Suppose you want to buy this puppy without sending a deposit and without risk of being scammed (or financial obligation whatsoever). In that case, you may call to schedule a Facetime, etc., with this puppy and come to pick it up BY APPOINTMENT ONLY—AND without having sent a deposit.

However, if you choose not to send a deposit, you risk that someone may buy the puppy before you get here. We will hold the puppy for your drive time only, if you call to let us know you are coming to pick up a specific puppy. You may fill out the form below to place a deposit to reserve this puppy until it's go home date, or pay for it in full. Puppies old enough to go home will be held for up to 10 days after deposit. Unless prior boarding expense arrangements are made, deposits are not to put us in the position that we finance puppies or board them while you do extended vacations. To protect Healthy Pups from chargeback fraud, deposits are non-refundable, and we do not offer cash refunds. We will transfer the deposit to another puppy if there's a problem with the puppy you choose, and we offer replacement puppies per our warranty terms for genetic defects. 

YOUR BEST DEAL is to place a $208.00 deposit only with your card to reserve this pup and bring CASH TO PAY THE BALANCE!  This deposit amount includes $8.00 to cover fees on your $200.00 deposit. We must add $4.00 per $100.00 to pay credit card fees on the balance. You not paying the credit card fees on the balance due can save enough for a free meal in many restaurants!

Reasonable offers may be considered for some puppies (especially sale and male puppies) because more of our pups are born male than female. We must also overcome common misconceptions that many have about male puppies.  It's important to remember that male puppies also make great pets. A male puppy neutered at the proper time is no more likely to lift his leg and urinate indoors than a female is to have accidents when nervous or excited. In fact, males are often more confident than females, making them less likely to be submissive urinators. Interestingly, all other factors being equal, male puppies often seem to prefer women, while female puppies may prefer men. We do often hear from women who are disappointed that their female puppy loves men more than me.

IMPORTANT! Please List the Puppy, Chip Code, and Amount Paid above in the Hubspot payment form. ALSO, make a screen shot of your transaction approved screen at the end of the credit card interface for your records, and TEXT this photo to us also at (336) 927-3314 because our credit card software reports only once per 24 hrs. We need to know about your deposit immediately and not sell your puppy to another family by accident! You should also make a screen shot of your puppy photo from our website listing, plus record the video from your desktop PC with your mobile phone so you have images of your puppy. You will not be able to see the puppy after your deposit because we will unpublish the link. We don't want other families to fall in love with your puppy and be disappointed that they cannot buy it. Please also call us when making deposits or payments Questions? (336) 957-3609