The Most Trusted Name In Pups For Sale Since 1982!
Welcome to Healthy Pups. Blog with hundreds of happy customers. Let us earn your trust.
Yes you can come see the puppies. We can also do live video chat. Please call for an appointment. You can know the true history, visit, and see where your puppy was born. We have the small breeds that you can't find at the shelter. We often get 5 calls per day from folks who have already been cheated to send an online deposit for the cheapest and cutest puppy, only to find that the puppy doesn't exist. Many online puppies are puppy mill pups being resold by pet store broker clubs who have trucked them in from out of state. Our pups are family loved, pre-spoiled, quarantined, and professionally raised in our nursery. We keep them on neutral surfaces, so they have not already been confused to potty in a floor like yours by a home breeder before being sold to a broker, and then to you.
The pet ministry of Healthy Pups began in 1982 at the request of local vets when a litter of quarantined puppies we raised for fun became the only known pups in our county to survive a parvovirus pandemic. Healthy Pups is now a state of the art $1,000,000.00 privately owned hospital clean quarantine nursery built for puppy protection, buyer protection, puppy love, children's smiles, and with zero donations. We guarantee no pre-purchase viral exposures or health issues upon receipt. None of the families at the Emergency Vet today with a surprise $7,000.00 virus thought their new puppy would need monoclonal antibodies. Puppies accidentally exposed before the 4th puppy shot at 13 wks caused permanent protection are vulnerable. Our quarantine prevents the exposures that often occur in unsterilizable homes, back yards, brokers, pet stores, shelters, moms w/insufficient tither levels, and careless sellers that allow dirty hands/shoes window shoppers. We do have a few purebred puppies from select unrelated parents. However, after giving away many purebred dogs bought for breeding purposes because they were mentally retarded due to their parents being cousins, we recommend and specialize in cheaper to own, easier to train, always good, deliberate mixes. Our mixes have better health, intelligence, diverse genetics, and care standard. The value of a dog is in the joy it brings, not it's pedigree. Help us protect your right to buy and own the breed you want by learning/sharing truthful pet politics. Master Card, Visa, & American Express accepted.
Nationwide shipping-Pick up w/out deposit-Reserve with a $208.00 deposit-Honest warranty that doesn't require insurance payments-House training instruction-24 hr help line-You choose the name of your puppy. Blog with hundreds of happy customers on FACEBOOK. LEARN more about us-WHY HEALTHYPUPS.